This is my personal blog where I mostly write about technical or computer science based topics. Check out my GitHub profile too.
Placeholders in string templates
June 23, 2022Use placeholders in your string templates to make them more dynamic.
Database seeding in Node.js
August 21, 2021Seed your MySQL database with dummy data using Node.js.
Building a Stack Class in Java
February 06, 2020A stack is a fundamental data structure in programming. Build your own one.
How I structure my Node.js REST APIs
October 03, 2018A Node.js folder structure that fits my needs. Structuring and organizing Node.js REST APIs with a component-based architecture.
Path aliases with TypeScript in Node.js
February 06, 2019Beautify the import-statements in your Node.js, JavaScript and TypeScript applications using path aliases.
Using MySQL in Node.js with TypeScript
July 05, 2022Improve your programming experience in Node.js by using typed SQL queries.
How I structure my React projects
August 29, 2021A React folder structure that fits my needs. Structuring and organizing React applications.
Writing & organizing Node.js API Tests the right way
November 22, 2022An architecture for writing and organizing your Unit & Integration Tests for Node.js REST APIs using Jest, Supertest & Chai.
Solving Peg Solitaire using Backtracking
December 15, 2022Solving the Peg Solitaire puzzle game using backtracking in Kotlin.
Zobrist Hashing
August 02, 2020What it’s good for in game development and how it’s calculated by the example of tic-tac-toe in Kotlin.
A decent introduction to Gradient Descent in Python
February 22, 2021Gradient Descent is a fundamental element in today’s machine learning algorithms and Artificial Intelligence. Let’s implement it in Python.
Improving Minimax performance
November 29, 202110 techniques for improving the Minimax algorithm's performance.
Recognizing hand drawn Doodles using Deep Learning
April 02, 2022Building a convolutional neural network using Keras, Tensorflow and Google's Quick, Draw! dataset to recognize hand drawn images.
Why and How to learn Programming
February 28, 2022Why you should consider learning how to program and how to get started the right way.